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Infanterie-Regiment Kaiser Friedrich, König von Preußen (7. Württ.) Nr. 125. Erinnerungsblätter aus der Geschichte des Regimentes. Zur Feier der 125. Wiederkehr des Jahres der Errichtung. Herausgegeben vom Festausschuß des Siebener-Treffens 1934.

Regular price 22,00 €

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Lieferung: 2-4 Tage
Infantry Regiment Kaiser Friedrich, King of Prussia (7th Württemberg) No. 125. Commemorative pages from the history of the regiment. To celebrate the 125th anniversary of the year of its establishment. Published by the festival committee of the Seventh Meeting in 1934.
With some illustrations.

Please refer to the enclosed illustrations for the table of contents

additional information

author Niethammer
Year 1934
Publisher Belser
cover softcover
number of pages 48
Condition slight signs of wear and age on the cover, inside: clean and with firm binding