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Literature on uniforming history, flags, standards, helmets, blanks and weapons.
Literature about the Prussian Army up to 1914 as well as about the worldwide military history
Political history until 1945
Literature on the military history of the 1st World War
Military history after the ceasefire in 1918, free corps battles and the time in the Reichswehr until 1933
Literature on the military history of World War II
Literature about the 1st and 2nd World War from the Military History Research Office
Military science literature until 1918
Military scientific literature after 1918
Cigarette picture albums
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air force
Allgemeine Militär-Zeitung, published by a society of German officers and military officials 1826-1902
Armed SS
Army Ordinance Sheet of the Prussian Army
Art of war in words and pictures - magazine for the Wehrmacht
Artillery monthly bulletins
Austrian military magazine until 1849
Battles and skirmishes from the time of the Franco-German War 1870/71
Battles and skirmishes of the campaigns against Denmark and Austria 1848/1864/1866
Bundeswehr and NVA literature
Cigarette picture albums
Communications on objects of the artillery and genius nature
Contemporary writings from 1933-1945
Contributions to the military and war history of the 1st and 2nd World War
Depictions from the Bavarian war and army history.
Documentary contributions and research on the history of the Prussian Army
Earlier German military history up to the end of the era of Frederick the Great
Edged weapons literature
English-language literature on the topic of World War II
Era of the Napoleonic campaigns and the Wars of Liberation, 1813-1815
Field gray. Notices from a working group
General literature on military history 1850-1914
General literature on military history from 1700-1850
General writings / works on World War II
German Army 1914-1918
German colonies and Germany's overseas battles until the end of World War I and the China campaign 1900/1901,
Gun history
Helmet and flag literature
Imperial and foreign navies until 1918
Individual writings on the military history of the Second World War
International review of all armies and fleets
Journal for the entire gunnery and explosives industry with the special department for gas protection.
K.u.K. Army 1914-1918
Lectures on the military history of the 1st and 2nd World War
Literature on the Austro-Hungarian Army until 1914
Löbell's annual reports on changes and advances in the military.
Magazine for Army Studies
Magnificent large-format volumes up to 1914
Magnificent volumes about the German army in the period 1800-1918
Marine-Rundschau - marine technology and naval war science monthly
Military history after the ceasefire in 1918, free corps battles and the time in the Reichswehr until 1933
Military history communications.
Military history journal
Military science and technical communications
Military scientific review, published by the Reich Ministry of War
Military weekly paper - military journal of the Prussian General Staff.
Military writings on tactics, strategy, weapon technology, fortress art, regulations / guidelines and special troop formations in the 18th and 19th centuries. Century.
Nauticus. Yearbook for Germany's marine interests
New military sheets
New Year's Gazette of the Fireworks Society
Newly placed books
Orders and awards
Political history until 1945
Quarterly books for troop command and military studies
Ranking lists of all kinds of the imperial German army in the world wars and in the time of the Reichswehr
Ranking lists of all kinds of the Prussian army and navy until 1914
Regimental / troop histories up to 1914
Regimental and troop histories of World War 1
Regulations, leaflets, instructions until the end of the 1st World War
Regulations, manuals, pocket cards, leaflets, etc. of the Wehrmacht
Streffleur´s Austrian military magazine
Studies of war history and tactics
Supplement to the military weekly paper
The German air force in World War 1
The German Revolution of 1848/1849 in Baden, Palatinate, Prussia etc ...
The messenger from the Defense History Museum
The soldier friend. Illustrated magazine for the comprehensible instruction and entertainment of the German soldier.
Troop stories of the 2nd world war
Uniform literature
War, field and army newspapers of World War 1
War-historical individual writings from the Great General Staff
Writings of the German Academy of Aviation Research
Yearbook of the Munich Military Society
Yearbooks for the German Army and Navy
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